Consejos para tu entrenamientoLos beneficios de la halterofilia femenina

The benefits of female weightlifting

Discover the physical, mental and social benefits of female wearer. A sport that challenges the limits and empowers women.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoLos 5 Tipos de combas más comunes en Cross Training

The 5 most common types of combas in cross training

Discover the 5 most common types of combas in Cross Training and how to integrate them into your training to improve your resistance and strength.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoEjercicios con barra de halterofilia en casa

Exercises with bearing bar at home

Discover how to practice haleterphilia at home with a bar safely and effectively. Improve your technique, grip and perform key exercises.

Consejos para tu entrenamiento¿Qué son las No Rep en Crossfit?

What are the non -rep in Crossfit?

We tell you that they are non -repO in Crossfit. Discover why it is important to avoid them and how they affect your performance in training.

Consejos para tu entrenamiento¿Sabes qué son los Drop Pads?

Do you know what the drop pads are?

Discover how Drop Pads can reduce noise and vibrations in your sports installation, protecting the ground and prolonging the useful life of the material.

Consejos para tu entrenamiento10 consejos para hacer burpees sin cansarte

10 tips to make mocking without tired

Tips to make mocking in an efficient way and resist fatigue in your Crossfit training.