Consejos para tu entrenamientoTipos de agarre en Crossfit y halterofilia

Types of Crossfit and Hostterophilia grip

Know the types of grip in Cross Training and Search, how to improve them and their importance for your performance as a athlete.

Gestiona tu boxCómo organizar tu espacio de Cross Training

How to organize your Cross Training space

Tips for effectively organizing your cross training space and guaranteeing a safe, tidy and pleasant environment for athletes and staff.

Gestiona tu boxCómo elegir tu estructura o rack para tu home box

How to choose your structure or rack for your Home Box

Key tips for choosing the ideal structure for your Home Gym, considering available space, location, type of training and frequency of use.

Competiciones¿Por qué deberías probar a competir en CrossFit?

Why should you try to compete in Crossfit?

Discover why you should try to compete in Crossfit, regardless of your level, and how these competitions can boost your performance and motivation.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoCrossTraining en verano, recomendaciones muy hot

Crosstraining in summer, very hot recommendations

Tips for training Cross Training in summer, from hydrating to enjoy outdoor activities.

Material para CrosstrainingGuía de regalos para todos los niveles en crossfit

Gift guide for all levels in Crossfit

Discover the perfect gift guide for Crossfit, from rookies to RX athletes. Find original and useful ideas to surprise at Christmas.