Consejos para tu entrenamientoCómo mantener un entrenamiento constante y evitar la saturación

How to maintain constant training and avoid saturation.

Retaking the training routine after vacation may require effort, but it is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with your goals and become stronger.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoCómo Hacer un Power Clean Correctamente

How to Do a Power Clean Correctly

Learn how to power clean properly with our in-depth CrossFit beginner's guide. From the start position to the finish.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoCaracterísticas y Ejercicios con Mancuernas Hexagonales

Features and Exercises with Hexagonal Dumbbells

Discover the features and exercises with hexagonal dumbbells in the world of CrossFit. Learn how to improve your performance.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoEjercicios con Kettlebell | Pesas Rusas

Kettlebell Exercises | Russian Weights

Learn how to do the Kettlebell Swing correctly and discover the benefits of this exercise for working various muscle groups with kettlebells.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoComo hacer un thruster en Crossfit: Técnica y consejos

How to do a thruster in Crossfit: Technique and tips

Learn the technique and tips to perform a thruster correctly in CrossFit, using an Olympic bar or varying with other materials.

Consejos para tu entrenamientoTrepar la cuerda en Cross Training. Material y técnica

Rope climbing in Cross Training. Equipment and technique

Learn the secrets to rope climbing in Cross Training, from the necessary equipment to the proper technique.