He Foam Roller Long Singular WOD It is an exceptionally versatile tool designed to provide a Effective and deep self -driving in extensive areas of the body. Its specific design and larger dimensions They make it the ideal option to relieve the muscle tension and improve the flexibility On the back, legs and other large areas of the body. With a weight of 1.6 kg, a height of 78.2 cm and a diameter of 150 mm, this roller provides a optimal length and thickness to meet the needs of a wide range of users.
Its longest and thick size allows a greater control and pressure During self -assessment, facilitating access to deepest activation points and difficult to reach. Manufactured with Eva Foam of high intensity, this roller is durable and resistant, guaranteeing its ability to support repeated use without losing its form or functionality. Its high quality material provides a firm but comfortable surface For self -driving, allowing you to relieve muscle tension and improve the Blood circulation effectively.
He Foam Roller Long Singular WOD It is an essential tool for those who seek to improve Muscle recovery and the flexibility in larger areas of the body. Its versatile design and lasting construction make it the ideal option for Athletes, athletes and active people that seek to optimize their physical performance and well -being. With this roller, you can experience a faster and more efficient muscle recovery, as well as greater comfort and flexibility in your training and daily activities.