Features and Benefits
This plyometric box is ideal for incorporating varied exercises that improve strength, coordination and balance. It is especially beneficial for beginners and those looking for intense workouts, as the foam padding significantly reduces the risk of injury.
Main Advantages:
Security:Its padded foam cover eliminates the fear of injury during jumping, making it perfect for users of all levels.
Stability:The wooden core ensures a solid and resistant base for any type of exercise.
Design Singularities
The Singular WOD Foam Plyometric Box is made with high-density foam, which provides great stability during training. In addition, it offers three different heights for jumps: 50 cm, 60 cm and 75 cm, allowing the intensity and difficulty to be adjusted according to the user's needs. The foam cover is extremely durable and resistant, withstanding frequent use without deteriorating.
Recommended Exercises
Box Jumps:Increases explosiveness and improves aerobic capacity.
HSPU (Handstand Push-Ups):Develops upper body strength and stability.
Burpees Over the Box:Improves resistance and cardiovascular power, combining strength and agility movements.